Friday, January 1, 2010



1489,17th C main ,5th block, HBR layout,1st stage, Bangalore-43


To                                                                                                                             29th Dec ‘09
The Chairman,

Dear Sir,

Sub: Short supply of water in HBR 5th block

We, the residents of HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage would like to mention with great distress that for the last 22 days we are not getting sufficient water due to inadequate pressure .Despite our repeated complaints and reminders via emails to your office and your email reply quoting as “Mr. Mallareddy/Mr.Chelapathi of E-1 sub divn will be visiting your layout to study the problem”, no officials have visited our layout yet.

It is obvious to say any maintenance work is to improve the functional system. But in your case the maintenance work carried out on 7-12-09 has spoiled the water pressure/normal supply of water. When we complained about this matter to your PRO and BWSSB officials, we were told that normal supply will be restored in another 10 days time; but even after the lapse of 22 days the problem is still persisting.

Please note that even on Xmas day the water supply was cut short by one and a half hours early. So we are buying the water from private water tankers to meet the domestic needs.

.Under this circumstance, we doubt your officials in discharging their duties like as under:
• -By collaborating with private water tanker suppliers.
• -Diverting the water to builders and private parties.
• -May be using this opportunity to tarnish the name of ruling government in Karnataka, who are proud to fulfill basic needs of the citizens.

So we are requesting you to expedite and please do the needful to solve this issue.
Thanking you,
With regards

Contact No: 9845508864/9449271732

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