To Dt:02-12-09
Shri. Venkataramana N.Naik
Addl. Commissioner, BBMP,
Respected Sir,
Sub: Civic problems in HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage.
Reminder-1 dt:2-12-09
We, the “HBR LAYOUT 5TH BLOCK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION” have submitted a memorandum of grievances vide our letter dt: 13-11-09 sent by email as well as by courier. But till date we have neither received any communication from your end nor our problems addressed. We request your good self to kindly let us know as to what actions you have taken /initiated on our complaints and would also like to know if the same have been forwarded to the concerned departments / officials. We wish to bring to your kind notice and reiterate that we are living in this BDA layout for the past 20 years without any care taking administration. If in any case a development work has taken place it is done only partially and incomplete.
For example:
1. Asphalting of roads have been undertaken for only some roads and have not been completed and other roads left out.
2. Revamping of side drains, done only in some roads and many roads were left out.
3. Retaining walls for SWD near 19th main road bridge, done only on one side.
4. Fencing on both sides of SWD, only a half stretch is completed and is lying incomplete.
5. Debris and garbage removal particularly in 30th C cross. (KEB road).This main road has become dumping ground of debris and garbage nowadays posing hazard to the residents.
We are very unclear and do get an impression that the current sitting officers and engineers of BBMP in charge of our layout may not be visiting/inspecting while the developmental work is in progress if at all there is one taking place.
As we have neither received any communication nor any development activities taking place we are under the impression that out Layout has been neglected and the residence have been ignored and our memorandum of grievance has been unobserved and disregarded. We hope you will come forward and take initiative to solve our long pending, hazardous and life threatening problems.
Thanking you,
HBR LAYOUT 5TH block residents association,
1489,17th C main, 5th block, HBR layout,Bangalore-560043
Encl: Our grievance letter dt:13-11-09 as Attachment
Copy to:
Mr. Bharath Lal Meena, I.A.S
Commissioner, BBMP,
P.S: Please note that we have emailed/posted our grievance letter dt: 3-11-09 to you also, but the result was same.
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