Thursday, December 24, 2009

HBR5 Association-BBMP polls

To                                                                                                                             23rd Dec ‘09

The Times of India
Via email:

Sub: BBMP polls (HBR layout 5th block,1st stage,Bangalore-560043)

With reference to your ‘TIME TO SPEAK UP’ column, we the resident of HBR layout 5th block write to inform you that our BDA layout, comes under ward-No.24, called HBR layout was formed in the year 1987.

Sad to mention, we have been living here for the past 20 years without proper living condition with no proper support and care taken by the administration. As nothing moved, we recently, 3 months back started our own association called ‘HBR LAYOUT 5th BLOCK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION’ and started addressing our grievances with the concerned civic bodies.

Our main civic problems are as under:

1. SWD posing health hazard to the residents.
2. Roads with numerous pot holes are not asphalted fully, done partially.
3. Cattle and stray dog menace.
4. Additional bus service routes and a bus stop for our 5th block layout.
5. CA site, meant for park, lying vacant and being used as garbage yard.
6. Revamping of side drains to be done in full pledged manner, done partially.
7. Cleaning of all roads on daily basis.
8. Removal of debris/garbage.
9. Road name boards missing at many places.
10. Weed and grass to be cleaned/removed on either side of roads; sidewalks to be made.
11. Empty sites occupied by slum dwellers are threatening.
12. Side parapet wall or grill work on walk over bridge, yet to be constructed on SWD.

After several complaints and reminders including a personal visit to Commissioner-BBMP, de silting work in SWD and removal of debris in 30th C cross has been taken up and the work is in progress, but the concern is any development work initiated, it is done only partially and always incomplete. We request that the development work taken up recently should continue till all our long pending, hazardous and life threatening problems are met in the layout.

Hence we take this opportunity to write to you and request you to publish the concerned issues in TOI hoping for some effect in the future developmental works towards the welfare of the general public in HBR layout and as well the whole of Bangalore.

To substantiate our claim we are attaching all our letters written to MLA, BMTC, BBMP, BDA and Hon’ble CM for your reference and also attaching photos of the related issues and request you to do the needful.
Thanking you,


Encl: As above

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