Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bus Shelter on ring road and in HBR 5th block

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                        D.No.1489, 17th C main, 5th block, HBR layout, 1st stage, Bangalore-560043


To                                                                                                                                 23rd Dec ‘09

Chief Traffic Manager (Operation),
BMTC, K.H.Road, Central Office,
Shanthi Nagar,
Via email:


Hereby we, the residents of HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage request you to kindly arrange to provide 3 bus stop shelters for the use of HBR 5th block residents. The location points are as below.

2 shelters are to be made on the outer ring road i.e. near the Forest office gate (between Hennur main Road signal and Nagawara signal) one each in opposite manner, for buses going towards Hebbal and the other one for the buses going towards Krishnarajapuram.

 The 3rd shelter in 19th main, 5th block, HBR layout, i.e. near 42nd cross from where bus No. 296B starts now.

We are attaching our layout map showing the location of bus shelters for your easy reference.

Kindly do the needful in this matter at the earliest.

Thanking you,
With regards

Copy to:
Traffic Engineer cell,
N.R. Square, BBMP office,
With a request to coordinate with BMTC for the needful help.
Encl: Our layout map.

HBR5 Association-BBMP polls

To                                                                                                                             23rd Dec ‘09

The Times of India
Via email:

Sub: BBMP polls (HBR layout 5th block,1st stage,Bangalore-560043)

With reference to your ‘TIME TO SPEAK UP’ column, we the resident of HBR layout 5th block write to inform you that our BDA layout, comes under ward-No.24, called HBR layout was formed in the year 1987.

Sad to mention, we have been living here for the past 20 years without proper living condition with no proper support and care taken by the administration. As nothing moved, we recently, 3 months back started our own association called ‘HBR LAYOUT 5th BLOCK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION’ and started addressing our grievances with the concerned civic bodies.

Our main civic problems are as under:

1. SWD posing health hazard to the residents.
2. Roads with numerous pot holes are not asphalted fully, done partially.
3. Cattle and stray dog menace.
4. Additional bus service routes and a bus stop for our 5th block layout.
5. CA site, meant for park, lying vacant and being used as garbage yard.
6. Revamping of side drains to be done in full pledged manner, done partially.
7. Cleaning of all roads on daily basis.
8. Removal of debris/garbage.
9. Road name boards missing at many places.
10. Weed and grass to be cleaned/removed on either side of roads; sidewalks to be made.
11. Empty sites occupied by slum dwellers are threatening.
12. Side parapet wall or grill work on walk over bridge, yet to be constructed on SWD.

After several complaints and reminders including a personal visit to Commissioner-BBMP, de silting work in SWD and removal of debris in 30th C cross has been taken up and the work is in progress, but the concern is any development work initiated, it is done only partially and always incomplete. We request that the development work taken up recently should continue till all our long pending, hazardous and life threatening problems are met in the layout.

Hence we take this opportunity to write to you and request you to publish the concerned issues in TOI hoping for some effect in the future developmental works towards the welfare of the general public in HBR layout and as well the whole of Bangalore.

To substantiate our claim we are attaching all our letters written to MLA, BMTC, BBMP, BDA and Hon’ble CM for your reference and also attaching photos of the related issues and request you to do the needful.
Thanking you,


Encl: As above

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Development of park in CA site at 5th block, HBR layout, 1st stage, Bangalore-43

To                                                                                                                     11th Dec‘09

The Director,
Department of Horticulture,
Lalbagh, Bangalore - 560 004
E-mail :

Dear Sir,

Sub: Development of park in CA site at 5th block, HBR layout, 1st stage, Bangalore-43

This is to bring to your kind notice that our layout was formed in the year 1987 by Bangalore Development Authority and sites were allotted in year 1988. It appears that only one CA site, in 17th main, was earmarked for park in our segment. Please note that there is no other CA site in this area. Even though our layout is in existence for the past 21 years, the earmarked CA site is still lying vacant, unutilised for any civic amenities as earmarked and presently being used as a garbage dumping yard by the waste management team (Hope the dumping of Waste and Garbage does not mean and come under provision of civic amenities). The whole area is stinking due to wrong usage of the CA Site. Our complaints and repeated remainders to BBMP and area engineer have gone into deaf ears. We feel, the only way to come out of this problem is to convert this CA site into a beautiful park.

Therefore we, the residents of HBR layout 5th block kindly request you to initiate development work, converting this CA Site into a park. We call our Bangalore as, “a city of gardens” on paper; but in reality, it is not.

Trusting your good selves and please do the needful.
Thanking you,
With kind regards

Copy to:
Addl. Director,
Horticultural Department,
Utility building, M.G. Road,

Encl: Site map of our layout showing the park in red color.


Reminder to depot Managers for a bus stop near forest office

To                                                                                                                        10th Dec‘09
Depot Manager,

Depot No’s: 10 / 23 / 28
BMTC, Bangalore.

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Bus stop near Forest office on ring road

This is with reference to our repeated complaints regarding a bus stop on the outer ring road, near the Forest office (between Hennur main Road signal and Nagawara signal) for use of HBR 5th block layout residents ,BMTC officials have made arrangements for the buses to stop near the Forest office. Mrs. Shiyamala (ATM) from PRO had sent Sarathi-10 staffs consecutively for many days to regulate the buses to stop at forest office; and also we are given to understand that a circular (informing all drivers and conductors) in this regard is put on depot notice boards. In addition to this you have arranged to put a sign board there to make it visible for the drivers and the commuters to identify the bus stop.

Sad to say with all your efforts nothing has changed much and many drivers /conductors refuse to stop the buses at the designated forest office bus stop. We have been constantly receiving complaints from our residents every time.

The scenario is, when a commuter make a request to the conductor/driver to stop the bus, the crew members retaliate and say, ”Nothing doing, we can’t stop here, you can complain to anybody you want”, and this is an intolerable attitude of your crew members and we condemn the attitude.

Based on the untoward incidents, we request the officials /depot managers (Depot No’s: 10, 23 & 28) to give firm instructions to all crew members immediately and resolve the issue, failing which, we are determined to expose and initiate necessary action.

Please do the needful at the earliest.
Thanking you,

Grievance letter to Mr.K.J.George,M.L.A

To                                                                                                                     18th Nov 09

Shri. K. J. George. MLA
Sarvagna nagar Constituency,

Respected Sir,

Sub: Civic problems in HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage.

We the members of’ HBR layout 5th block Residents Association’ would like to submit the following grievances and civic related problems faced by us. Though our layout is in existence for the past 20 years there is no much development work taking place.

As follows:
1. A walkover bridge was constructed on the storm water drainage to connect the 5th block’ separated by the big storm water drainage. This small, 4feet widex23feet long bridge has no parapet wall on either side; this may endanger the small school going children. So we request you to provide either parapet wall or some grill work immediately to avoid any untoward incidents.

        Dangerous walk on Walkover Bridge

                                                      Fencing work done only for half stretch
2.1. The big SWD gives rise to many problems and if it is not covered with concrete slab, then it proves dangerous. Near 19th main bridge and in front of site No.1208 there is no side supporting wall. BBMP started constructing the wall and left midway.
3. A request was made with the BESCOM authorities to fix Halogen lamps at corners and road junctions of 5th block layout to avoid accidents, but so far nothing has happened.

                                                                   SWD without side walls
4. The asphalting work has not been taken up in this segment since several years and there are innumerable potholes. Recently BBMP has done asphalting/tarring of all main roads in 5th block (i.e. from 15th main to 19th main road and left mid way. All cross roads (i.e. from 21st cross to 45th cross) were not done. In 19th main, near the bridge it was left midway. The condition of roads (i.e. 30th C main-KEB office road, extension roads of 17&18th main and 21st to 26th cross roads) on the other side of storm water drain is in very horrible state. The full stretch of 30th ‘C’ cross road (KEB office road) is with full of debris and garbage on both sides of road. We remember that some time back there was some inaugural pooja, near KEB office to lay the roads, but later nothing had happened.

 5. Revamping of the side drains in 5th block to be done in full pledged manner. This work was also done in some roads and left midway

                                          Heap of mud at the centre of road-30 C cross,KEB Rd
6. Some measures to be taken up to control the buffalo, cow and stray dog menace. All these animals roam in the streets of the layout, causing inconvenience to the residents and also to motorists/two wheelers. Please note that there is no health inspector for our layout for the past one year.

                                      Cows roaming in the street obstructing vehicle movement
7. The waste management team is dumping garbage in the middle of residential location i.e. in front of site No.1196 and adjacent to 27th cross. And this gives strong stinking smell when you enter 17th main. Please take action to shift this Garbage dumping yard to a safer place.

                                                            Garbage dumped on the road side
 8. As there is no Health centre, Library and a park in our segment, we request you to kindly provide these amenities also.
9. Too much weed and grass have grown up on both sides of all the roads and it is to be cleaned and made foot path. Because of this our layout is seen with lot of goats, cows and buffalos grassing all the time, specially 18th main and 19th main has become the cattle breeders’ paradise.

                                                    Garbage yard in 17th main,opp. to site 1196
10. The storm water drain canal, near 19th main bridge, has wall on one side that too incomplete and the other side of the SWD the canal wall is not made and left open, please arrange to construct the walls on both the sides.
                                                       SWD without side walls on other side
11. The below photo shows you the bullock cart with drums after unloading the garbage(human waste) near 19th main, 45th cross.
12. Besides the SWD in 30th cross and also in other places in the layout there are lots of temporary sheds built by site owners for construction purpose and even after completion of the work the laborers continue live in there. We request you to remove all these shedsTherefore we request you to kindly do visit to our layout for a PADHA YATRA at your convenience.

Trusting your good selves and please do the needful to solve the above issues.
Thanking you,
With regards

Encl: Layout plan of our association's jurisdiction
Copy to:
1) Sri.Bharath Lal Meena, I.A.S
Commissioner, BBMP,

2) Sri.Venkataramana N.Naik
Addl. Commissioner,
Bangalore Mahanagara Palike,

Friday, December 11, 2009

Letter to BDA Chairman & Commissioner


D.No.1489, 17th C main, 5th block, H.B.R layout, Bangalore-560043

To                                                                                              Dt:4th Dec ‘09
T. Chowdaiah Road,
Kumarapark West,

Respected Sir,

Sub: Civic problems in HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage.

We, the members of HBR layout 5th block Residents Association would like to submit the following grievances and civic related problems faced by us and people at large. Though our layout is in existence for the last 22 years there is no much development work taking place and has been neglected since formation of the layout.

The problems faced are as follows:
1. The asphalting/tarring work has not been taken up in this segment since several years and there are innumerable potholes. Recently BBMP has taken up asphalting/tarring of some main roads in 5th block (i.e. from 15th main to 19th main road and left it half way and incomplete. All other roads namely 14th main,17th B main and 17th C main and all cross roads (i.e. from 21st cross to 45th cross) were not done. The condition of roads (i.e. 30th C main-KEB office road, extension roads of 17th &18th main and 21st to 26th cross roads) on the other side of storm water drain is in a worst and dilapidated state posing danger to all.

2. Though the layout was formed 22 years back, there are more than 50% sites vacant. These sites look like jungle with thick bushes; and are used as public toilet by the construction labors and slum dwellers (camped in 19th main- 36&37th cross for over 8 years.) These site owners stay elsewhere and never bothered to maintain/clean the site; waiting for good appreciation of real estate at the cost of others sufferings. BDA has to initiate action by issuing notices to all these site owners and get it cleaned immediately or BDA can do it themselves by levying some penalty on the site owners. There are more possibilities for the layout people, especially the children to get bitten by the snakes which are in abundance in the layout.

3. It appears that site Nos: 1280 to 1285 in 19th main are not allotted to anybody and it is lying vacant. These sites have become cattle breeders’ paradise. Usually you can see more than 10 to 15 cows and buffalos at this place obstructing vehicular movements. Apart from this, these cattle move all around for grassing and defecating all over the roads, making nuisance to the residents. Our repeated complaints to BBMP officials have gone in deaf ears. We came to know that there is no Health Inspector for our layout for the last one year.

4. A walkover bridge was constructed on the storm water drainage to connect the 5th block separated by the big storm water drainage. This small, 4 feet wide x23 feet long bridge has no parapet wall or railing on either side; this poses a great danger to the small school going children. So we request you to provide either parapet wall or some grill work immediately to avoid any untoward incidents.

5. BBMP had taken up the work of fencing the storm water drainage on either side by using barbed wires and is incomplete. This work is not completed between walk over bridge and bridge on19th main road, on both sides of drainage. Many people throw their debris/garbage into the drainage which causes drain blockage and in rainy seasons the drainage overflows and muck floods into layouts which pose a hazardous situation.

6. The big SWD gives rise to many problems and if not covered with concrete slab, it would prove to be dangerous. Some residents who live nearby to SWD, are thinking to vacate the place and go elsewhere because of unbearable smell emanating from the highly polluted/chemical water. The stink will be more during night time as the industries let out the chemical water into the SWD during night as no one can notice / watch it. Children and aged people find it difficult to breath. Our sufferings can’t be explained by words; you’re good self have to see and feel it yourself.

7. Revamping of the side drains in 5th block has to be done in full fledged manner. This work was also done in some roads and left half way.

8. As there is no Health centre, Library and a park in our segment, we request you to kindly provide these amenities. Since there are many CA sites lying vacant please arrange to identify the sites for these purposes and do the needful immediately as the allottees are already in their old ages.

9. Too much weed and grass have grown on both sides of all roads and needs to be cleaned and sidewalks are setup. Due to this inaction our layout is filled up with lot of goats, cows and buffalos.

We have submitted our memorandum of above grievances to Commissioner, and Addl. Commissioner of BBMP. Now we request you to kindly look into and solve our problems either from your end or coordinate with BBMP to sort out the problems

Trusting your good selves and please do the needful to solve the above issues amongst other basic civic issues.
Thanking you,
With regards

Copy to:
T. Chowdaiah Road,
Kumarapark West,
Bangalore-560 020.

Letter to Hon.Chief Minister of Karnataka


 D.No.1489, 17th C main, 5th block, H.B.R layout, Bangalore-560043

To                                                                                                                        Dt:10th Dec ‘09
The Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka,

Respected Sir,

Sub: Storm Water Drain posing hazard to the residents of HBR layout 5th block

We, the members of HBR layout 5th block Residents Association would like to submit our major grievances and civic related problems that are faced by us and people at large. Our layout is in existence for the last 22 years and the storm water drainage running through our layout is posing hazard and life threatening ailments.
The big SWD gives rise to many problems and if not covered with concrete slab, will prove to bedangerous. Some residents, who live close to SWD, are planning to vacate the place and move elsewhere, due to the unbearable smell emanate from the highly polluted/chemical water running in SWD. The stink is more during night time, as the nearby industries release the chemical water into the SWD during night as none can notice/ watch it.

Figure 1-Retaining wall made on one side only, that too left mid way

Since the chemicals mixed in sewage water, the whole atmosphere is always polluted; and it creates irritation in eye and skin. Especially children and elderly people find it difficult to breath. Some times we see carcasses in SWD which adds to our misery; and we are clueless as to whom to be blamed.

Figure 4-Houses seen adjacent to SWD-30th B cross

Figure 3-Storm water drain with out fencing

 Words can not explain our sufferings and the scenario; only Pollution Control Board officials can visit the spot and judge the gravity of our sufferings. During all these years we were hoping and waiting, expecting that some counteractive measures will be taken by concerned authorities; but nothing has happened despite our repeated complaints.

Though the storm water drain is meant for rain water to flow, but it is being used as sewage/ sanitary water to flow perennial. We remember that over 15 years back, sewage water treatment plant (STP) was constructed near RAJA Canal. It is requested to initiate action to prevent the entry of sewage into the storm water drain and to divert the sewage to the STP at Raja Canal.

Hence we request and plea your good selves and your high office to sort out this perennial problem. Sir we look forward to your intervention along with the concerned authorities to resolve this dangerous crisis.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,

Copy to:
1. Chairman,
Pollution Control Board,
No.47, Church street,
Bangalore- 01. With a request to instruct your Offices to inspect the premises and to prevent any illegal effluents into drain.
2. Commissioner,
Bangalore Maganagara Palike,
Bangalore.        With a request to set up the fencing like how it is done to most of the drains, construct the retaining walls and also to take up desilting.
3. Chairman,
Cauvery Bhavan,
Bangalore.        With a request to divert the sewage to the nearby pipe line which carries it to the STP located at Raja canal.
4. The Commissioner,
Bangalore Development Authority,
Bangalore.        With a request to take up immediate steps to repair the damaged pipes while laying the road leading to leakage of sewage into SWD.

Reminder to Grievance Letter -Addl.Commissioner

To                                                                                                                          Dt:02-12-09
Shri. Venkataramana N.Naik
Addl. Commissioner, BBMP,

Respected Sir,

Sub: Civic problems in HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage.
Reminder-1 dt:2-12-09

We, the “HBR LAYOUT 5TH BLOCK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION” have submitted a memorandum of grievances vide our letter dt: 13-11-09 sent by email as well as by courier. But till date we have neither received any communication from your end nor our problems addressed. We request your good self to kindly let us know as to what actions you have taken /initiated on our complaints and would also like to know if the same have been forwarded to the concerned departments / officials. We wish to bring to your kind notice and reiterate that we are living in this BDA layout for the past 20 years without any care taking administration. If in any case a development work has taken place it is done only partially and incomplete.

For example:

1. Asphalting of roads have been undertaken for only some roads and have not been completed and other roads left out.

2. Revamping of side drains, done only in some roads and many roads were left out.

3. Retaining walls for SWD near 19th main road bridge, done only on one side.

4. Fencing on both sides of SWD, only a half stretch is completed and is lying incomplete.

5. Debris and garbage removal particularly in 30th C cross. (KEB road).This main road has become dumping ground of debris and garbage nowadays posing hazard to the residents.

We are very unclear and do get an impression that the current sitting officers and engineers of BBMP in charge of our layout may not be visiting/inspecting while the developmental work is in progress if at all there is one taking place.

As we have neither received any communication nor any development activities taking place we are under the impression that out Layout has been neglected and the residence have been ignored and our memorandum of grievance has been unobserved and disregarded. We hope you will come forward and take initiative to solve our long pending, hazardous and life threatening problems.
Thanking you,
HBR LAYOUT 5TH block residents association,
1489,17th C main, 5th block, HBR layout,Bangalore-560043

Encl: Our grievance letter dt:13-11-09 as Attachment
Copy to:
Mr. Bharath Lal Meena, I.A.S
Commissioner, BBMP,
P.S: Please note that we have emailed/posted our grievance letter dt: 3-11-09 to you also, but the result was same.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Letter to BMTC for a Bus stop

Dear BMTC officials, November 12, 2009

Sub:Bus stop near forest office, on ring road

We bring to your notice that there was a bus stop on the outer ring road, near the Forest office (between Hennur main Road signal and Nagawara signal) for HBR 5th block layout residents, but during the past one year literally no buses stopped at the designated bus stop.

Persistent requests on the issue, BMTC officials made arrangements for the buses to stop near the Forest office. Mrs. Shiyamala (ATM) from PRO had sent 2 (ATI) staffs for consecutive 3 days to regulate the buses to stop at forest office and also we are given to understand that a circular (informing all drivers and conductors) in this regard is put on depot notice boards.

Sad to say with all your efforts nothing has changed much and the drivers /conductors refuse to stop the buses at the designated forest office bus stop. We have been constantly receiving complaints from our residents for the last 1 week.

The scenario is, when a commuter make a request to the conductor/driver to stop the bus, the crew members retaliate and say that “nothing doing, we can’t stop here, you can complain to anybody you want”, which is an intolerable attitude of your crew members and we condemn the attitude.

Based on the untoward incidents, we request the officials concerned to put a BUS STOP sign board on either side of the ring road to make it visible for the drivers and the commuters to identify the bus stop.

We once again request you to give firm instructions to all crew members thru depot managers (Depot Nos: 23, 24, 28 & 29) immediately and resolve the issue, failing which, we are determined to expose and initiate necessary action.

Please do the needful at the earliest and request your good selves to keep us updated on the action plan.

Thanking you,


Letter to BMTC for regularisation bus routes 296D & 296B

To                                                                                                                           Date:2-11-09

CTM (Operation)
BMTC, Double road,
Shanthi Nagar,

Dear Sir,

Sub: Regularisation of bus timings of 296B and 296D for Brindavan layout (HBR LAYOUT 5TH BLOCK, 1st stage) and Re- introduction of K.R.Market bus 296K

We, the residents of HBR layout 5th block would like to inform you that the above two buses are running from our layout to Shivaji Nagar and Majestic bus station respectively for the last 15 years. In the recent past we have noticed that the route No.296D (Shivaji Nagar bus) is maintaining its scheduled timings through out the day. But the route No.296B (Majestic bus) is plying only in the morning and evening, i.e from 7am to 9.30am and 4pm to 8.30pm. During 10 am to 4pm the 296B bus comes up to Hennur cross and gets back without entering the layout. Because of this practice, our senior citizens, women and school going children are facing difficulty. Hence we request you give instructions to your staff to ply the 296B bus into the layout during day time also.

Please note that though our layout is in existence since 1989 (20) years, there is no additional buses introduced to our layout. The only bus 296K (K.R.Market) introduced in the year 2007 had plied for few months and the service was stopped abruptly. Therefore we request you to kindly look into the matter and re-introduce the K.R. Market bus service soon.

We take this opportunity to thank all the BMTC officials concerned for restoring a bus stop near forest office on ring road. (between Hennur main Road signal and Nagawara signal). Since there is no bus stop sign board, it becomes difficult for your staff and the commuters to identify the bus stop, hence we request you to put a sign board on either side of ring road. Also please see to that, the stoppage of buses at this point continue for ever.

Thanking you once again for your valuable services and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

With regards

HBR LAYOUT 5TH block Residents Association.
Copy to:1) The Divisional Controller, 2)BMTC central office,
BMTC Lingarajapuram Depot No.10 K. H.Road,Shanthi Nagar,
Bangalore. Bangalore

Grievance letter to bbmp Commissioner

To                                                                                                                             DT: 3-11-09

Sri.Bharat Lal Meena, I.A.S
Bangalore Mahanagara Palike,

Respected Sir,
Sub: Civic problems in HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage.

We the members of HBR layout 5th block Residents Association would like to submit the following grievances and civic related problems faced by us. Though our layout is in existence for the last 20 year there is no much development work taking place.

As follows:

1. A walkover bridge was constructed on the storm water drainage to connect the 5th block’ separated by the big storm water drainage. This small, 4feet wide bridge has no parapet wall on either side; this may endanger the small school going children. So we request you to provide either parapet wall or some grill work immediately to avoid any untoward incidents.

2. BBMP had taken up the work of fencing the storm water drainage on either side by using barbed wires and left halfway. This work is not completed between walk over bridge and bridge on19th main road both sides of drainage. Because of this many people throw their debris/garbage into the drainage which causes drain blockage and in rainy seasons it overflows into layouts.

2.1. The big SWD gives rise to many problems and if it is not covered with concrete slab, then it proves dangerous.

3. A request was made with the BESCOM authorities to fix Halogen lamps at corners and road junctions of 5th block layout to avoid accidents, but so far nothing has happened.

4. The asphalting work has not been taken up in this segment since several years and there are innumerable potholes. Recently BBMP has done asphalting/tarring of all main roads in 5th block (i.e. from 15th main to 19th main road and left half the way. All cross roads (i.e. from 21st cross to 45th cross) were not done. In 19th main, near the bridge it was left halfway. The condition of roads (i.e 30th C main-KEB office road, extension roads of 17&18th main and 21st to 26th cross roads) on the other side of storm water drain is in very horrible state. We remember that some time back there was some inaugural pooja, near KEB office to lay the roads, but later nothing had happened.

5. Revamping of the side drains in 5th block to be done in full pledged manner. This work was also done in some roads and left half the way.

6. Some measures to be taken up to control the buffalo, cow and stray dog menace. All these animals roam in the streets of the layout, causing inconvenience to the residents and also to motorists/two wheelers.Please note that there is no health inspector for our layour for the past one year.

7. The waste management team is dumping garbage in the middle of residential location i.e. in front of site No.1193 and adjacent to 27th cross. And this gives very stinking smell when you enter 17th main. Please take action to shift this location to a safer place.

8.As there is no Health centre,Library and a park in our segment,we request you to kindly provide these amenities.

9.Too much weeds and grasses have grown up on both sides of all roads and its to be cleaned and made pavements.So our layout is seen with lot of goats,cows and buffalos grassing all the time.

Trusting your good selves and please do the needful to solve the above issues.

Thanking you,

With regards
1489,17th C main,5th block,1st stage,HBR layout,Bangalore -43