To 18th Nov 09
Shri. K. J. George. MLA
Sarvagna nagar Constituency,
Respected Sir,
Sub: Civic problems in HBR layout 5th block, 1st stage.
We the members of’ HBR layout 5th block Residents Association’ would like to submit the following grievances and civic related problems faced by us. Though our layout is in existence for the past 20 years there is no much development work taking place.
As follows:
1. A walkover bridge was constructed on the storm water drainage to connect the 5th block’ separated by the big storm water drainage. This small, 4feet widex23feet long bridge has no parapet wall on either side; this may endanger the small school going children. So we request you to provide either parapet wall or some grill work immediately to avoid any untoward incidents.
Dangerous walk on Walkover Bridge
Fencing work done only for half stretch
2.1. The big SWD gives rise to many problems and if it is not covered with concrete slab, then it proves dangerous. Near 19th main bridge and in front of site No.1208 there is no side supporting wall. BBMP started constructing the wall and left midway.
3. A request was made with the BESCOM authorities to fix Halogen lamps at corners and road junctions of 5th block layout to avoid accidents, but so far nothing has happened.
SWD without side walls
4. The asphalting work has not been taken up in this segment since several years and there are innumerable potholes. Recently BBMP has done asphalting/tarring of all main roads in 5th block (i.e. from 15th main to 19th main road and left mid way. All cross roads (i.e. from 21st cross to 45th cross) were not done. In 19th main, near the bridge it was left midway. The condition of roads (i.e. 30th C main-KEB office road, extension roads of 17&18th main and 21st to 26th cross roads) on the other side of storm water drain is in very horrible state. The full stretch of 30th ‘C’ cross road (KEB office road) is with full of debris and garbage on both sides of road. We remember that some time back there was some inaugural pooja, near KEB office to lay the roads, but later nothing had happened.
5. Revamping of the side drains in 5th block to be done in full pledged manner. This work was also done in some roads and left midway
Heap of mud at the centre of road-30 C cross,KEB Rd
6. Some measures to be taken up to control the buffalo, cow and stray dog menace. All these animals roam in the streets of the layout, causing inconvenience to the residents and also to motorists/two wheelers. Please note that there is no health inspector for our layout for the past one year.
Cows roaming in the street obstructing vehicle movement
7. The waste management team is dumping garbage in the middle of residential location i.e. in front of site No.1196 and adjacent to 27th cross. And this gives strong stinking smell when you enter 17th main. Please take action to shift this Garbage dumping yard to a safer place.
Garbage dumped on the road side
8. As there is no Health centre, Library and a park in our segment, we request you to kindly provide these amenities also.
9. Too much weed and grass have grown up on both sides of all the roads and it is to be cleaned and made foot path. Because of this our layout is seen with lot of goats, cows and buffalos grassing all the time, specially 18th main and 19th main has become the cattle breeders’ paradise.
Garbage yard in 17th main,opp. to site 1196
10. The storm water drain canal, near 19th main bridge, has wall on one side that too incomplete and the other side of the SWD the canal wall is not made and left open, please arrange to construct the walls on both the sides.
SWD without side walls on other side
11. The below photo shows you the bullock cart with drums after unloading the garbage(human waste) near 19th main, 45th cross.
12. Besides the SWD in 30th cross and also in other places in the layout there are lots of temporary sheds built by site owners for construction purpose and even after completion of the work the laborers continue live in there. We request you to remove all these shedsTherefore we request you to kindly do visit to our layout for a PADHA YATRA at your convenience.
Trusting your good selves and please do the needful to solve the above issues.
Thanking you,
With regards
Encl: Layout plan of our association's jurisdiction
Copy to:
1) Sri.Bharath Lal Meena, I.A.S
Commissioner, BBMP,
2) Sri.Venkataramana N.Naik
Addl. Commissioner,
Bangalore Mahanagara Palike,