Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sub: Inadequate/Short supply of water at 34,35th crosses and part of 18th main in HBR layout, 5th block, 1st stage, Bangalore-43

From 23rd Nov 2011
13xx, 18th main,
1st stage, 5th block,
HBR layout, Bangalore-560043

The Chairman,
BWSSB, Cauvery Bhavan,
Bangalore. (Sent via email:, )

Dear Sir,

Sub: Inadequate/Short supply of water at 34,35th crosses and part of 18th main in HBR layout, 5th block, 1st stage, Bangalore-43

We, the residents of 34,35th crosses and part of 18th main in HBR layout, 5th block, 1st stage, Bangalore-43 would like to bring to your kind notice that we are facing acute water shortage problem for the last 1 month. Hence we are forced to bring up the matter to your high office to sort out this perennial problem.
Please note that on our request (letter enclosed) you had installed a stop-valve at the intersection of 34th cross and 18th main to facilitate the most affected residents of 34 and 35 crosses and part of 18th main to get better supply of water. After installing the valve, Mr. Chelapathy, during one of his visits to our road, had agreed to keep the said installed valve closed by fewer turns and arrange for better supply of water on equitable basis. Since our houses are on the gradient, we do not get water unless the said valve is kept closed by fewer turns. But unfortunately, your valve men Lokesh and Satish in the presence of Mr.Engappa had opened this valve completely last week. Because of this mischief act to please some vested interests, we are put into hardship.

Therefore, we, with no other alternative, submit our grievances to you Sir and request your good selves to look into the matter and instruct the engineers to close 34th cross valve by fewer turns and restore better water supply to all the residents equally.
Thanking you Sir,
Best regards

Encl: 1.Map showing the affected area
2. Our request letter for a stop valve.
Copy to: Mr.T.Vankataraju CE
Mr.Mallareddy AEE

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